Sunday, September 5, 2010


Inspirations in our lives come in different forms. This week is one of the most inspiring week for me. I met great people who inspired me to do better and appreciate the life that I have now. Daniel Kwan, Barbara Notebaert and Nicole Deken are people who are committed to their jobs. They perform there jobs with a certain passion that i cannot describe.For a short span of time being with them, they inspired me. Some people may not understand me but i love to interact with different people as it helps me to appreciate more what i have. I believe that as long as someone has an open mind,the greatness and passion of people that surrounds you are like electric current that will create a spark in your life. These three people I just mentioned did it to me. Too bad I was too coward to let loose of myself and tell them know how much I appreciate meeting them and thank them for the impact how it will affect in my life in the future. The great memories and ideas learned will be engraved in my mind and my heart . Stuck somewhere in the back of my mind, wherein I can pull strength incase of weakness.

I miss them already. I wish I can still see them someday.

In span of almost a year now, working in Winning Sportswears is indeed a life changing period of my life. I didn’t cry much compared when I was in Cambodia. The best thing that happened to me in this company are the priceless lessons in life. There is Phyllis Wu and Chris Wenstein that I will also never forget. People you meet in an hour meeting in exchage of life time lessons. Sylvan Balieu is another guy who made me believe that I can do things that I never expected I will be able to do so.

Suffering here, frustrations there, pressure, stress, tears and yet this is a great life indeed because of inspiring people like them.

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